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The following resource is adapted from Pastor Rob McCoy’s sermon “Ekklesia.” In it, Rob explains how we’ve exchanged the church for the public square and missed our calling as the body of Christ to regularly engage in politics. He also corrects the common assumption that Romans 13 calls for unlimited submission to governing authorities, explaining from Scripture why American believers must stand up to tyrannical government when it fails to uphold people’s God-given rights. Ultimately, Christians are called to show love for our neighbors by contending for them and standing for truth.
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Easy as Pie

In this resource, based on a talk Hon. Bob McEwen gave a Columbia International University, Bob discusses how America’s founders set the nation on a course for blessing by resolving to do things God’s way. He examines the three components needed for a government to function as God intends, and sounds the warning call about the attempts to limit political, spiritual, and economic freedoms that are so essential to our nation.
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Fault Lines – Critical Social Justice

The following resource is based on a talk given by Voddie Baucham to address the ideologies of Social Justice and Critical Race Theory as they relate to God’s view of justice and equality. In it, Voddie identifies the origins of social justice and critical race theory and defines the terms used around these ideologies, showing how they are in fact antithetical to a biblical worldview. He encourages Christians, in particular pastors, to boldly speak into these issues and point out the incompatibility of critical theory with a biblical understanding of justice, equality, and the root cause of racism.
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Letter to the American Church

The following resource is adapted from a message by Eric Metaxas, based on his book Letter to the American Church. In this address, Metaxas draws striking parallels between the failure of the German church to stand up to Hitler and the American church’s silence in the face social, cultural, and political evils of our time. He issues a wakeup call for pastors and all Christians in America to shatter the silence, stand up for truth, and speak it boldly.
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The Two F-Words

Fire is a powerful force and can be beautiful to behold. But when it isn’t confined and controlled, destruction can be swift. In this resource based on David Englehardt’s message The Two F-Words, David examines how sexuality is like a fire, and God has placed boundaries on sex for our protection and to promote flourishing. It’s a call for Christians to submit all of their life to God’s order and to be a voice for biblical sexuality in a world that’s embraced sexual anarchy and confusion.


God's Design For Sex

God’s Design for Sex

Most everyone would agree that our society needs certain rules to thrive. I’m referring to the most basic laws that prohibit things like murder, theft, and violence. These are rules without which our …


Be Dangerous

Be Dangerous and Wise

We have a problem in America – we’re obsessed with staying safe. I was travelling recently, and as I was heading out on the road, a friend of mine who meant well said to me, “be safe.” Well let me te…